【旅發局要intern!】 Hong Kong Tourism Board Summer Internship Programme
各方面嘅business 人才都可以望過來!而家旅發局請緊Summer intern,無論你興趣係HR,Marketing,定係Business/IT 都好,總有一個Post 啱你做!
–Business Development: assist in planning to execution of “Spend-to-Redeem” programs
–Central Procurement: assist in tender document consolidation, data analysis, and system development
–Human Resources: Assist in the execution of various HR services and projects including recruitment, training, HR analytics & reporting, and staff newsletter
–Internal Audit: Assist in design and implementation of knowledge management database, prepare for the launch of Control-Self Assessment Exercise in Worldwide Offices
–Marketing: Assist in the creation of social content to introduce Hong Kong to the target segments around the world, support content development, and production including multimedia and social media-
–Technology & Digital Transformation: assist in evaluation and testing of IT solutions to facilitate business needs
–Undergraduate Year 1 to Year 3 student
-Good communication and interpersonal skills and detail-minded
-Excellent English proficiency
-Highly motivated, responsible, and good team player
-Passion in growing the tourism industry for Hong Kong
-Available from 5 July to 31 August 2021
- 滿足不同經濟需要:交學費、交Hall Fee、還卡數、買電腦、學車、創業
- 任何本地大專院校學生均可申請
- 申請只需2份文件(學生證+身份證),毋需收入證明
- 月平息一律低至 0.84%*
- 最快即日批核
- 全程網上申請貸款及確認過數
- 隨時提早還款,0手續費0罰息
大專生很多時候急需資金周轉交學費,但政府學資處的貸款計劃又未能及時批核。因此,uFinance 根據過往同學們的良好還款紀錄,不斷簡化申請程序,申請只需「學生證+身份證」,申請成功率高達95%,全程網上快捷辦妥,貼合同學需要。