【有IT底嘅你入嚟】Zensis Limited – Mobile/Web App Developer

Queenie | 13/08/2021

Zensis係一間香港專做App同Backend嘅mobile technology公司,有好多大家每日用緊嘅手機App都係經佢哋手。依家佢哋請人啦!鍾意做App或者網頁,有Computer Science底嘅你哋就唔好錯過啦!



-System architecture design, software development, testing and deployment for mobile/web apps

-Work closely with the in-house graphics/UX designer and development team

-Communicate with users and customers to ensure requirements are implemented correctly



-Diploma or Degree in computer science / IT or related field

-1 or above year’s working experience in mobile/web apps development (fresh graduate will be considered)

-Knowledge of capabilities and constraints of iOS and Android

-Good understanding of mobile/web technologies

-Experience in Swift/Kotlin/Java/React Native for mobile

-Experience in ReactJS for web

-Experience in using cloud service like AWS, GCP is an advantage

-Experience in real time update product using AWS appsync, Firebase, GraphQL API, Pub/Sub is an advantage

-Able to work independently to meet project deadlines

-Strong sense of responsibility and self-motivated team player

-Good interpersonal, strong organization and communication skill


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