【又有媽劇停PT】GU Hong Kong Apparel Limited-Part Time Clerk, Marketing
相信大家都一定行過GU!依家佢哋招聘緊Part Time Marketing Clerk,主要負責同Headquarter溝通,同埋協助internal部門制定門市嘅宣傳品。如果各位同學仔一星期可以工作3-4日,可以即時翻工,就記住唔好錯過啦!
(1)Work closely with internal departments and vendors to plan and coordinate the production of in store POSM materials, based on monthly product calendar and weekly new items launch
(2)Communication with global headquarter on consolidating global assets, copywriting, proofreading, coordinating delivery and ordering for stores
(3)Manage quotations and expenses matters
(1)Self-initiated, detail-minded, organized and can work independently under tight deadlines while not compromising quality of work. A fashion lover will be an advantage
(2)Proficient in writing and communication skills in English and Chinese, Proficient in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese Word Processing
(3)Looking for a long term job and stable working environment
(4)Immediate availability is highly preferred
(5)Working Date : 3-4 days per week (Monday to Friday)
(6)Working Hour : 4-8 hours per day (09:00 – 18:00)
(7)Location : GU Office (Tsim Sha Tsui)

- 滿足不同經濟需要:交學費、交Hall Fee、還卡數、買電腦、學車、創業
- 任何本地大專院校學生均可申請
- 申請只需2份文件(學生證+身份證),毋需收入證明
- 月平息一律低至 0.84%*
- 最快即日批核
- 全程網上申請貸款及確認過數
- 隨時提早還款,0手續費0罰息
大專生很多時候急需資金周轉交學費,但政府學資處的貸款計劃又未能及時批核。因此,uFinance 根據過往同學們的良好還款紀錄,不斷簡化申請程序,申請只需「學生證+身份證」,申請成功率高達95%,全程網上快捷辦妥,貼合同學需要。