【IT神人喺邊到!?】房協 IT Intern (IT Infrastruture/ Business Solution)(為期九個月)

cherri | 03/09/2019
【IT神人喺邊到!?】房協 IT Intern (IT Infrastruture/ Business Solution)(為期九個月)

房協而家分別請緊IT Infrastructure 同Business Solution嘅實習生,不過兩份工嘅工作內容同要求有啲唔同,詳細資料大家記得去翻相應網址仔細睇清楚喇~


IT Infrastructure


  • – 支援Desktop team的桌面patches deployment及跟進工作;
  • – 支援Windows 10升級、服務台系統升級等


  • – 就讀資訊科技、電腦科學或其他相關學科;及
  • – 懂Microsoft Office及智能產品之基本操作等

The Job

  • – Support Desktop team on desktop patches deployment and follow up.
  • – Support Windows 10 upgrade related calls.
  • – Support Service Desk system upgrade.
  • – Evaluate UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) systems.
  • – Support SAM (Software Asset Management), Inventory and Store Room management

The Person

  • – Studying Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or related disciplines.
  • – Basic knowledge of using Microsoft Office and proficiency in Excel.
  • – Basic knowledge of using mobile devices.
  • – Good communication and customer service skills.



Business Solution


  • – 為不同部門提供Quick Win方案(例如Excel Macro, VBA, Java, MS Access等);
  • – 就新科技進行市場調查等


  • – 就讀資訊科技、電腦科學或其他相關學科;
  • – 懂操作Excel Macro, VBA, Java Scripts, MS Access, iOS, Android;
  • – 具良好溝通及客戶服務技巧等

The Job:

  • – Quick win solution for various department (e.g. Excel Macro, VBA, Java, MS Access).
  • – Market searching for new technology/solution.
  • – Apps testing (iOS/Android).
  • – Documentation (e.g. Desktop Study Report).

The Person:

  • – Studying Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or related disciplines.
  • – Knowledge on Excel Macro, VBA, Java Scripts, MS Access, iOS, Android.
  • – Good communication and customer service skills.

IT intern (IT Infrastructure): https://www.hkhs.com/en/career-opportunities/career-opportunities-detail/id/204
IT intern (Business Solution): https://www.hkhs.com/en/career-opportunities/career-opportunities-detail/id/272
截止日期: 9月6號


【大學生荀工】南豐紗廠 Part-time Intern


【Marketing/Business】Unilever 聯合利華 Marketing Intern (Full/Part-time)


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